Quickly prioritise your major risks to be addressed

Propose a simple and effective risk management approach and run it directly in the tool
Deploy and manage your risk mapping
Organise your management and reporting dashboards for management and governance bodies
Integrate risk management and internal control activities to enhance the level of operational control
risk table
risk assessmentworkflow of a risk

Analyse and assess risks very simply

Centralise all the information on the Group's risk prevention and protection policy for your production, storage or construction activities.

Fill in your annual programme of damage risk inspections on industrial sites and submit your documents and reports.

Promote your approach and your results to insurers and brokers to optimise your cost of risk

Customise your assessment scales (types of impact, probability levels, criticality, control, room for improvement)
Facilitate risk assessment workshops with joint representation of ratings
Arbitrate prioritisation and validate progress

Choose a strategy and define an action plan

Support your staff in prioritising risks based on the estimated level of control, the results of control activities or the number of operational incidents.

Optimise the performance of your risk management system with monitoring and decision-making tools. Consolidation, communication and reporting have never been easier.

Automated developments and trends
Real-time management dashboards
Reporting by entity, by strategic objective, and by process
risk strategycreation of a share in Delta RM

Our functional coverage

Risk repository
  • Identification of the risk universe;
  • Categorisation by families (strategic, operational, financial, environmental, etc.)
Multi-level tree structure
Centralized taxonomy
Automated top-down deployment
  • Cross-cutting risk analysis and reporting
By strategic areas
By process and activities
By major macro-risks
By cross-cutting directorates
Risk analysis
  • Identification of risks (with or without reference to the guidelines)
Top-down risk acceptance
Bottom-up risk creation
Proposal of new risks
Entity and Risk Owner
  • Analysis and qualitative assessment of risks
Causes and consequences
Aggravating or reducing factors
Several types of impact (financial, legal, reputation, etc.)
Frequency, severity and criticality scales
Several dimensions (Gross, Net, Target)
Risk control (Self-assessment, calculation based on the effectiveness of controls in place)
  • Risk prioritisation
Room for improvement
Priority criteria
Risk strategy
Risk monitoring
  • Risk indicators
Management of performance indicators (KPI) and risk indicators (KRI)
Features included in all products

These features are enabled in all cases to work efficiently, your way.
Don't waste time switching between tools!
In DELTA RM, all your essential tools are at your fingertips and quickly accessible.

Searching, filtering, and sorting
Alerts, reminders and notifications
Graphical dashboards
History of changes
User management
Customisable enablers
Confidentiality by perimeter
Multi-axis entity tree (organisational, legal, geographical)
Documentary space
Customisation of drop-down lists