🌍 It was a pleasure to come and discover the Communauté d'Agglomération du Niortais and its ecosystem of mutual insurance companies. It gave me the opportunity to meet several users of our tool on the spot to hear their feedback, and to meet future users and future partners.
Genesis: In 2018, 7 major players in the world of mutual insurance (Groupama, MACIF, MAIF, Groupe P&V, Mutuelle de Poitiers Assurances, MAAF COVEA and CNP Assurances), 1 assistance provider (Groupe IMA) as well as the Medef Deux-Sèvres and the Niort Conurbation decided to unite around common objectives.
Objectives: drive new solutions for tomorrow's insurance thanks to digital development
Link: https: //www.french-assurtech.com/
Claire CAMINATI FARBER, Head of Communications French Assurtech & Startup Palace, asked us some questions and took our comments.
1 - This allowed us to describe how the application works, by describing the approach integrated into the tool.
We develop software that facilitates risk management and strengthens collaboration. Some people call this the global or integrated approach.
We often start a collaboration by digitizing one of the company's departments, and then the others want to share the tool when they see the results.
2 - We made the link with their ecosystem, since one of their members is a long-standing customer - the IMA Group.
IMA is one of our flagship customers. They use several of our interconnected modules to pool information between risk, internal control and audit.
3 - We were able to project our objectives for the year: the interview was at the beginning of the school year, so it came at just the right time.
What are your next major steps? Identify technological and business partners to create associations in France and abroad, and strengthen our communication on customer feedback.
Are you recruiting? If so, what profiles? We're always on the lookout for the right profiles. First of all, we're looking for full-stack developers (who code in Symphony), then project managers (ideally with experience in the risk management sector and who speak English).
➡️ Link to French d'Assurtech article